

Happiness The Little Jar of Happiness

 March 20th 2016 is The International Day of Happiness. At Winchester Spine Centre we want to spread a little happiness and help you to do the same.The Little Jar of Happiness is a simple device to keep us focused on the good things in our lives, the things that bring a smile to our faces, make us proud and joyful. All you have to do is get a jar, an old jam jar will do and at the end of each day you jot down on a piece of paper all the pleasurable, joyful and happy things that happened to you that day.Put the piece of paper in the jar and set a date, your birthday, New Years Eve, a notable anniversary or just at a time when you might be feeling a bit low, open the jar, remove the contents and read about all those moments that made you happy.You'll be amazed at the smile this simple act can bring to your face. It's good to reflect at least once each day on all the good things that are happening in your life.Throughout March 2016 we will have our own Little Jar of Happiness on the clinic reception desk. When you visit the clinic you can post your own happy moments (anonymously if you wish). If you do give us your name however you could win a FREE 'Happiness Meditation Session' with Mandy Papas our Mindfulness Coach when we draw one entry from the jar on International Day of Happiness, March 20th.Smiley Button As Symbol For Cheer Or HappinessNot visiting the clinic this month? No problem! Just email your entry to winchesterreception@gmail.com with Happiness as the subject.Everyone who places an entry to the jar (or emails) and gives us their name will qualify for £5 off any of Mandy's treatments in the clinic so don't be shy, tell us what's makes you happy.Check out the following based websites:http://www.actionforhappiness.orghttp://pyou.co.uk


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