You can get a comprehensive workout from two or three movements.
Love or hate the gym? Kettlebells are for you. Use them to begin your journey to strength and fitness or to compliment your existing program.
Your workout should always give you more than it takes out of you.
Kettlebells are like no other exercise technique in offering such all round benefits from such a tight package of exercises.
Increased strength everywhere, increased Lean Muscle Mass means you burn more calories just standing still. Reduce your risk of Diabetes, combat Obesity, improve your bone health, your balance and your confidence.
The traditional Russian Kettlebell is a canonball with a handle on top. It is a tool for building great strength in every part of your body using only a handful of movements carefully developed by Russian strongmen (and women) over the last 2 centuries.
You will commonly find them now in gyms across the UK and in Cross Fit gyms everywhere.
During your 4 hour wokshop you will learn how to safely Deadlift, Swing, Squat, Clean and Press the Kettlebell, all you will need to develop your skills yourself at home or at your gym.
StrongFirst certified instructors, Zsolt Nagy, James Beeson, Roxy Cotton and Mark Kennedy will guide you though the correct technique for each element. With emphasis on Quality over Quantity you will learn how to get the maximum results from this simple but massively effective exercise technique.
StrongFirst is arguably THE global leader in strength training. Each of your instructors for the workshop brings a wealth of personal experience from the world of health and fitness coaching. They each hold one of only 120 StrongFirst kettlebell instructor certifications granted in the UK, they are experts at 'moving metal'.
Mark Kennedy, StrongFirst Level one Kettlebell instructor (SFG1).
Having spent 30 years in practice as a chiropractor I know the benefits of adequate strength combined with correct movement patterns. It helps protect us from injury. For me technique is the key, proper form leads to better function, more strength and greater comfort.
With emphasis on Quality over Quantity I will show you how to get the maximum results from this simple but massively effective exercise technique.
I hold a qualification from StrongFirst®, arguably THE global leader in strength training. StrongFirst kettlebell instructors are experts at ‘moving metal’.
The Kettlebell Clinic..
Getting started with Kettlebells can be tough. It’s a highly technical business and there’s no way around learning correct technique if you are to have a lasting and injury-free relationship with the ‘bell. So here are a couple of videos to get you thinking about your technique, for additional help visit our YouTube channel and hit SUBSCRIBE to access other good stuff to help you sharpen your kettlebell technique.