Is School Bugging Your Children?

Winchester homeopath Mel Owen-Browne asks whether your children's return to school has brought them into contact with some unpleasant little beasties?The school year is well under way and already we are plagued by constant runny noses and chesty coughs, worm infestations, sore throats, tummy aches and chronic tiredness causing temper tantrums and general irritability and tearfulness.This is our first experience of school and it is wonderful to watch Isabella grow and enjoy her new surroundings but as a parent, we weren’t quite prepared for all the things listed above and I have been informed by more experienced parents that this is just the beginning of many years of challenging physical symptoms and behaviour so we shall see what the future holds.I feel very lucky that I can dip into my bag of homeopathic remedies to help ease the symptoms, so I thought I would share a few tips as most remedies and other natural products are readily available over the counter alongside the more conventional treatments.  In particular I would like to talk more about worms.This is a very unpleasant condition which can frequently occur in young children causing symptoms including: itchy bottom, threadworms in the stools and around the anus and sometimes, mild colicky pain, irritability and being unsettled.  If there is an outbreak at school and you suspect you child is affected, in addition to the over the counter medication which must be taken by the whole family, good self help measures include:

  • Cut down on sugar intake as the worms thrive on it.  Encourage him/her to eat as much raw fruit and veg as possible, particularly apples and carrots.
  • Improve on basic hygiene at home, such as using one towel per child and encourage regular hand washing to prevent spread to other family members.
  • Put Vaseline round the child’s anus at night as this will deter the worms laying their eggs.
  • Consider treating other children in the family preventatively (or in the case of a school outbreak) with homeopathic remedies.

The main homeopathic remedy in the treatment of active worms is Cina (wormseed) and should be the first one to consider particularly if your child is bad tempered and extremely irritable.  Other indications for it include an itchy sore bottom, increased hunger, teeth grinding at night and nose picking.  Give the remedy in the 6 or 30c potency three times a day for up to a week and repeat if necessary with re-infection.  This can also be the preventative treatment for siblings.Nat phos tissue salts (available in health food shops) can help to alter the acidity of the gut, rendering it unfavourable for threadworms.  These can be given morning and evening for up to a month alongside other treatments.Silica is a very useful constitutional remedy to consider if the worms keep returning after treatment but at this point it would be wise to book your child in for a full homeopathic assessment where a remedy will be selected specifically for your child.  Their current symptoms, along with their general constitution, emotional state etc will be taken into consideration.  I believe that Homeopathic remedies will gently lift the child’s immune system to another level and bring about physical and emotional health.My clinic days are Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday.  Please don’t hesitate to call first if you are not sure or would like to ask any questions.Special offer:  Book your child in for an initial consultation and get two free follow-up appointments included in the price (to be used by the end of January).Mel Owen-Browne BScRSHom 


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