Nutritional Supplements that Kill Pain.
The top 3 nutrients to supplement, and why they’re so useful.
We are not going to get into a debate around the need for supplements in a modern diet. If you tell me you've got a perfect, balanced diet and get all the nutrients you need from food I'm not going to argue.
If you're open to the potential Inflammation (pain) killing, Immune system boosting, mood enhancing benefits of taking some vitamins and minerals then this is for you.
1. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is the big cheese when it comes to supplements. It is known as a 'Keystone Nutrient' because it is so influential over so many other biochemical processes in our bodies.
Important for reducing Osteoporosis risk, building immune system function and reducing inflammation.
Manufactured in our own bodies (from a form of cholesterol) when our skin is exposed to the UVB rays of sunshine. 30 minutes of strong sunshine (between 11am-4pm and from April-September in the UK) will have you producing around 10,000 - 20,000 iu's of Vitamin D.
Lots of people already take vitamin D but don't know how much they are taking. It matters! Most basic supplements contain only 400iu's of Vitamin D, a very small dose! Most people need more.
Knowing your current Vitamin D level is useful so that you can take your optimal dose. Your GP can perform the test or use a home test kit from these guys We also carry a small stock of these kits in the clinic, yours for £29.
Once you know your level, use this chart to dose yourself appropriately. Around 125-175 mol/L is what those in the know suggest is optimal.
Once you know your level you can dose much more accurately.
2. Magnesium
Magnesium Kills Pain! Deficiency is related to Insomnia, stiffness and pain, fatigue and low mood.
Optimising your magnesium levels helps you stay active and flexible.
There is good evidence that Magnesium helps to relieve lower back pain especially when there is also some nerve pain or sensitisation of the central nervous system (that means your body has basically lowered your tolerance to pain).
What to take and how much to take.
Magnesium Citrate is cheap, easy to get hold of and a great way to boost your magnesium levels. Take 300-500 mg per day.
Any side effects?
Mostly no, but sometimes people experience a little abdominal discomfort, possibly loose bowel movements. If this happens to you just reduce the dose accordingly until you are able to tolerate what you're taking.
Alternative methods of taking Magnesium.
Take a bath in the stuff! EPSOM SALTS are Magnesium Sulphate and will soak through your skin to be absorbed to good effect. Around 500g of salts per bath should do it. Buy a big bag cheaply online and enjoy!
Can you eat it? Yes you can!
You'll find Magnesium in
Whole Grains
Nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds)
Buckwheat and Quinoa
Avocados, bananas and Chlorophyl (so it's in your greens)
Wild Salmon
Lots of Magnesium in foods containing Chlorophyl (pic. courtesy of Depositphotos)
3. Vitamin B12
Another Key nutrient which is often deficient in adults (particularly but not exclusively older adults) and related to symptoms such as
persistent pain
tingling and numbness (often in the hands and feet)
Persistent mouth ulcers and a sore tongue
We find B12 in animal products, not much in vegetation, so vegetarians and vegans are often clued up and taking B12 supplements already.
Trouble is because imbalances in our Gut microbiome (the balance of bacteria in our gut) and issues of low stomach acid can make it difficult to absorb, even if we are eating enough of the foods that contain B12, or taking a B12 tablet daily we still may not be absorbing it very well.
What is the answer? The Lozenge! A small tasty pill that one places between gum and cheek to melt gently away being absorbed through the lining of our mouth. Yummy!
Exactly what form of B12 to take, how much and in what dose needs some advice and is dependent on your symptoms and history.
If you think you may be B12 deficient based on the symptoms above my recommendation is to try it for a month and this should be enough time to notice change.
For information and advice on what, and how much to supplement call and speak to me at the clinic or ask at your next appointment.
Mark Kennedy.