Water can help back pain sufferers.

Dehydration could be a factor in up to 50% of low back pain cases.  Studies in the USA suggest that proper hydration can help chiropractic patients feel better.  Without enough water the cells that make up our muscle fibres cannot work properly resulting in muscular stiffness, reduced mobility and possibly pain.70 % of our body is made of water, every chemical reaction that occurs in our body happens in water.  To calculate whether you are getting the optimum daily intake, take your weight in pounds (14 lbs. in 1 stone) and divide it in half.  This number is the number of fluid ounces of pure, clear water (not tea, coffee or soft drinks) that your body needs every day to remain properly hydrated.  For example a 14 stone or 200 pound man would need 100 ounces of water which is about 5 pints.  Remember that some fizzy drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol or drinks high in sugar (even fruit juice) actually cause the body to lose water.  The best way to hydrate is to sip water throughout the day.  It's simple, available, cheap and it can only improve your health.For further information on resources about the benefits of water call us at the clinic.Mark Kennedy.


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