Winchester Homeopath - Homeopathic treatment of warts.

Homeopathy in Winchester A warty story...This month, I am going to sing the praises of Homeopathy in light of a recent visit from a mum who brought her daughter with warts...and I don’t mean small viral molloscum warts, I mean the big, unsightly fleshy kind.  The little girl in question is seven years old and had suffered with the warts on her hands and feet for several months.  Countless lotions and potions had been tried but to no improvement in the condition.  The poor child was very embarrassed by the warts as the other kids at school were commenting on them and this was making her feel sad and outcast – two things no seven year old should have to suffer.Now I know Homeopathy to be a very safe and effective form of treatment but often the results are subtle – a lift in energy, and alleviation of anxiety, a release of stored up emotions, a re-balancing of bowel function  or hormones etc  From time to time, the results are more dramatic and this is one of those times.  Not three weeks after the homeopathic prescription for the little girl had the warts completely disappeared. Her mother reported that it was as if they never existed, all trace of them gone.This was a classic case of a child responding beautifully to a constitutional remedy (Causticum) – one that was picked specifically for the individual based on her specific physical symptoms, her character, her temperament and her general emotional condition.  Remedies stimulate the natural healing potential of the body, allowing the body to re-balance itself and bring about the previous state of health.I love it when it works like this as it reminds me precisely why I became a Homeopath in the first place.As I mentioned Molloscum Warts at the beginning, I will give them a mention here as they are particularly prevalent among school aged children.  Molloscum is a contagious virus that once got, can take a year and a half to leave the system.  Molloscum can range in severity and are usually found in the arm pits or behind the knees but can also appear on the face and trunk.  Any doctor will tell you that there is nothing that can be done to speed the process.  Homoepaths know different... as with any condition, a well selected remedy can speed the healing process and the warts may leave well before you expect.  Funnily enough, the younger sister of the warty girl came to me with Molloscum a year or so ago.  I prescribed a remedy (Thuja) to be taken daily and within a week they had disappeared.If you or a family member has suffered with any condition for months or even years with little improvement via conventional methods, give Homeopathy a may be astounded at the results.My clinic is here at Winchester Sports and Spine on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Call 01962 843242 to make an appointment.Mel Owen-Browne RSHom 


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