Winchester office workers need 7 top tips for good posture.

Winchester chiropractor Mark Kennedy knows that if you follow these 7 tips for good posture at work you will cut your risk of workplace repetitive strain injury.

  1. Drink plenty  of water, 7-10 glasses during the day. Dehydration makes you more susceptible to pain.
  2. Sit tall, stand tall, walk tall. Good for your muscles, can improve your confidence and changes the way others see you.
  3. Sit with your knees slightly lower than your hips with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
  4. Use the 20-20-20 rule. Take a 20 second stretch break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away from your screen.
  5. Go for a walk at lunchtime if you can.
  6. Do some exercise outside of work to build more strength and stamina in your muscles.
  7. Put reminders (post it notes) around your workspace to help you remember these top tips

Want more advice? Call us on 01962 843242 or see our videos on  (search Winchester chiropractor)


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