Stay safe in the garden this spring

Has anyone noticed? The grass is starting to grow, flowers beginning to bloom, not to mention the weeds getting ready to take control of the herbaceous borders if we’re not careful.Spring is very much springing and with Easter and the first Bank Holiday of the year already behind us many of us will be donning the wellies, gardening gloves and sun hat (well, I am an optimist) and heading out to do battle with the garden.Most of you will ache a bit afterwards, some of you will ache a lot afterwards and some of you who have been neglecting your maintenance care (you know who you are) won’t be able to get out of bed the next day, curse the bl***y garden and give me a call. I promise to be sympathetic.The following tips will help you to avoid many of the pitfalls waiting to trip up the occasional gardener.Get regular chiropractic check ups so you’re in good shape and I can make sure you are bending correctly and stretching safely.Don’t overdo it! I know you haven’t been out there for months and you’ve only got one day to get it all done but you must take regular breaks to stop overstressing your muscles and joints. At least every half hour stop and move position, get a drink of water, rest for five minutes.Vary your activities. Do 30 minutes digging, have 5 minutes rest. Do 30 minutes pruning, have 5 minutes rest. Mow the lawn for 30 minutes, rest, do something else for a short while and then come back to finish the lawn. Variety lets your tired muscles recover.Squat exampleLearn to squat. Squatting is the way to bend without compromising your back or your knees. It is a very specific skill, it is the basis of all safe bending and lifting and it will pay you to learn it. If I have shown it to you in the clinic make sure you use it. If not and you would like to learn how to do it, give me a call and during the months of April and May I will give you a 10 minute master class in squatting absolutely free. If you persist in bending from the back or only from the knees I promise you it’s the fast track to pain.Glass of waterDrink. Water please! You will probably be burning up more energy than normal so eat well and drink water regularly throughout the day. Your body needs between 7 and 10 glasses of pure water every day, more if it’s hot and you are working up sweat. Don’t neglect your hydration, your body can’t heal and recover efficiently if you’re dehydrated. (see my previous blog article on water)ice packIf you ache at the end of the day use an ice pack over the sore spot for 10 minutes. You can repeat this application every hour if necessary. If something really hurts don’t soak in a hot bath, this will fuel the inflammation and take away the protective muscle spasm. Ice it and call me.Smile! This is supposed to be a leisure activity. smiley cat


If in doubt, breathe out.


We love you too!